Friday, April 8, 2011


The Other Salisbury News would like to send a shout out to Dr. O'Loughlin, Professor of Political Science, for writing a kick ass Letter to the Editor in this weeks edition of The Flyer.

In his letter, O'Loughlin encourages student participation in government by addressing the concern that some students only live in Salisbury for nine months. Should they vote in Salisbury elections? O'Loughin says absolutely. He also discusses the impact that student votes would have on our small town. He writes, "given the size of the student body at Salisbury University, students acting as a voting block could have significant influence over the composition of the Salisbury City Council and the Mayor of the city. Voter turnout in Salisbury elections is generally low. Therefore, greater student turnout raises the prospect of greater student influence on determining the winners and losers in these local elections." Amen to that.

But the most important aspect of O'Loughlin's letter, comes towards the end, "Once Council Candidates begin to realize that students are voting in greater and greater numbers, they will then begin to pay closer attention to student issues. However, if students remain marginal to the electoral outcome, candidates will likely continue to ignore student concerns." There you have it gulls. You heard it from a professor- the Council DOES ignore students. Gulls, if you see Dr. O'Loughlin in class or around campus be sure to shake his hand. As for the Other Salisbury News, we say cheers to you Dr. O'Loughlin!! You're a good teacher and a great man- thank you.

**you will notice that in the Letters to the Editor section of The Flyer, that are also 2 MORE LETTERS FROM TERRY COHEN AND TIM SPIES. The Other Salisbury News would have done another official Gullshit Alert about this except that we are currently too disgusted with The Flyer to want to give them any more attention. Flyer, just know that we are more disappointed in you than words can say. You let down the student body with your partisanship yet again and now, because of your refusal to get out of Terry and Tim's back pocket, we have lost an election. We don't know what kind of hold they have on you, or who the bug in charge is, but expect us to be figuring it out very soon...and publishing it.

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