Student Stories
Ok Gulls it's finally here! This is the place where you can share your stories about being screwed by the cops, having bad encounters with your neighbors, and tell us about anybody else thats dicked you over. We know you've got something to say and we want to hear it. Let her rip!
Since nobody has said anything yet, I'll begin with a story about one of my good friends who got completely shafted by the Salisbury Police a year or so ago. He is riding his bike home one night around 2 am from a party, minding his own business, when he sees flashing lights coming up behind him. Thinking they are going to pass him, he keeps on riding. But about 30 seconds later he hears sirens so he hops off his bike to see what the problem is. Apparently he is the problem. Within minutes he is taking a sobriety test, which he promptly fails, and is being handcuffed and put in the back of one of the cruisers. Why was there more than one police car there? Because they called for back up. That's right. Anyway, the other 2 officers help the first one load my poor friend and his bike into the car. Then he is driven to the police station where he is informed that on top of getting a DUI, he has gotten two absurd fines for something like riding his bike without a light and a horn. They wonder why we have the second highest crime rate in MD- maybe its because in Salisbury it takes 3 cops to take in a 22 yr old kid who was riding his bike home. Or maybe its because for the last 10 years they've been targeting college kids who can pay ridiculous fines instead of drug dealers who kill people. At least that's my guess. Whats yours?
This past week i got pulled over by a state trooper because my headlight was out. I had a little bit to drink and we went through the entire sobriety test. I passed everything, then submitted to a breathalizer. I blew a .1, which is over the limit. The deputy told me to get in my car and call somebody I knew to come pick me up. Probably the luckiest day of my life. Probably the nicest cop I have ever met.
It sure would be cool if campus police would break up off campus parties. They don't seem to be out to make money off of noise citations.
I definitely agree with BlackSheba. The way that we get targeted is absurd. Especially when you rid ethrough parts of town that have a drug dealer on every corner. A few years ago i had a St. Patty's Day party in the basement at my house. My neighbor, who hated having college students next door, promptly called SPD to complain about noise despite the fact that no music was on and everyone was downstairs. Three patrol cars arrived at my house and i was handed a stack of citations. I was then told that i could either tell everyone to go home and throw away the citations or they would go inside, arrest everyone under the age of 21, and give me all the citations. I wonder why it took 3 partol cars to pass along this message. The other 2 cars could have been out trying to prevent the almost weekly shootings that occur just blocks from campus.
My son is a student at SU. He got a $500 noise violation, disciplinary action from SU and a party fine from his landlord because he had some people over on a Saturday night. Now I don't condone irresponsible behavior on the part of any student. However, the letter from the police department quoted "approximately 100 people" at his residence. My son said around 25 people were at his house. That's a big discrepancy in reports. I expect the police to do their job fairly and accurately. And, yoohoo Salisbury, the punishment should fit the crime.
Must have been a busy weekend...some of my friends had a party this weekend and also got the fine...worst of all the were taken to JAIL and didn't get released till Sunday morning!!! I will admit the party got bigger than they wanted and started to kick people out...they just went out front and thats when the police were called...put them in handcuffs and took them downtown...Arrested for a noise violation...shouldn't the police just give them the fine and actually go find some real criminals!!! That's Salisbury
Anon 4:04,
You totally get it. And students won't call the cops because they're afraid of getting a fine or ARRESTED. Its a vicious cycle and the only way we can make it stop is if we vote! Keep visiting us!
I can honestly say I'm transferring to Towson next year due to the ridiculous neighbors and police trying to get that state position by fining and piercing the off student population with ridiculous fines. The zoo has become dead and any other house get togethers are broken up within the first hour! WHATS THE POINT! MONKEY BARRELL IS SERIOUSLY THE ONLY PLACE IN TOWN TO SAVE A BUCK/HAVE AN OUNCE OF FUN AROUND HERE!
Im currently a freshman at salisbury university its been a pleasure attending the school. Of course the police around here seem a little ridiculous, however campus police are the worst. the other night i was walking home with a couple of buddies at hardies about 2am. a large truck pulled up and was yelling at us, as bonehead as we all were we didnt take anything from a group of rednecks. well out comes two 40+ year old men trying to pick a fight with some freshman (we would have owned them) however being smart i saw campus police and ran in front of the road to stop them i look behind me and my friend is getting pushed to the ground and im yelling at the campus police to help and he replied they seem to be getting back in their have to be kidding me.....
You probably interrupted the campus police as they were delivering toilet paper to the library.
So earlier this year my roommates and I had a party, nothing too huge but it was outside. I know probably a bad idea, however we went to all of our non college neighbors told them we were having a "get together" and asked them to come see us if it got too loud, needless to say they appreciated the effort. 9:45 rolls around, really 9:45 and there are cops at our door claiming they got a noise complaint, I highly doubt it. The nice cop (who looked all of 15) then tells us we actually weren’t that loud so he basically admitted they were driving by and had nothing "better" to do but stop and bust our party. Then on top of all this the dick cop of the two decided to tell us we needed to call the DA's office in 2 weeks after citing us for under age possession. Now I don’t know if you are aware but you can’t hire public attorneys for citations, so I questioned this, he then asked me how "fucking drunk" I was and insisted to speak to someone sober. Needless to say douche bag cop didn’t show up in court, only the nice one and he left after we plead guilty. Guess SUPD wins again.
We had about 20 people over, 5 were in the house and the rest were out back. 8-10 locals walked in started swinging at us wih brass knuckles and after 3 people were severely injured to the point of ambulance rides they ran out and drove off. Cops came and left because the sergeant was "disgusted by underage drinking" Nothing was ever done even though a license plate and a name of one of the guys had been given to them. Salisbury locals and salisbury cops suck. Fruitland PD has let us off plenty of times and state troopers have told us to turn it down so salisbury police dont bust us. Thanks for being concerned about the severe stuff not the minor stuff...everyone but salisbury PD
That is outrageous! This is why something must be done. We must elect student friendly candidates for City Council if we want our student population to be represented! The General Election for City Council is on April 5th. We have information on all the candidates in previous posts.
I'd like to get involved somehow especially with raising awareness and getting kids to vote...any way that my friends and I can help let me know
Just tell everyone you know about us and make sure you post or email when something legit happens. We'll be on it. Keep checking back and have a great evening!!!
Anon 7:07- Thank you! It's refreshing to see that there are some other college kids about there who care about this stuff. It would be great if you could email us- that way we could get up with you personally and list some more specific ways you could help our cause. Our email is - Thanks! And keep reading :)
Salisbury Pd. is worthless. Some neighborhood kids set off fireworks on my truck. I showed the cop where they were, as i saw them down the street still. I set off on foot, the cop met me where the kids were. Two ran off when they saw the cop, i ran after and got him. Was on top of him and he cried and said he was sorry. One was a juvenile, the one i caught was 18. They got cuffed, but both said it was 'the other kid' who ran off who set off the fireworks (burning the paint on my hood). The cops let the kids go. Didnt arrest them for evading police. Or accessory to a felony. Long story short, the Kid who ran off was on house arrest and his 'mother' said he was home the whole night. End result? NOTHING. The SA said he couldnt press any charges for ANYTHING. sounds like fine police work to me.
When I was there, the cops were really lenient.
This was 2005-2007
What happened?
@anonymous basically after 2007 the University increased its student body without really coordinating how the community was going to deal with it. And after they passed a heftier fine for noise violations and other laws aimed at college kids, the cops realized they were sitting their no-good booties on a gold mine, and they have leeched off of the off campus student population ever since.
@ anonymous 12:38...I first came to the University in 2007 and that's when the police presence among the students began to steadily increase. However, I would say this year has been the WORST I have ever seen it. I know three different sets of friends who went to jail the weekend before spring break for having people over. One of the instances involved some boys having a small party. The cops came and claimed the house smelled like weed, and therefore they had the right to enter. When the boy insisted
there was no weed in the house (there really was not), and therefore it could not smell like weed, he was arrested for disobeying an officer.
That is just ONE of the instances of the police targeting college students. My friends in Cynthias Place AN ALL COLLEGE NEIGHBORHOOD, were given a noise violation when they had SIX people at their house, two of whom were the roommates.
Myself, I was stopped by the sheriff of Salisbury to ask if I was old enough to be smoking the cigarette I had. I am no where near 21 years old (or look that young)..but the point is, don't the Salisbury cops have something better to do like all the real crime going on. What about the car break in's the Saturday of spring break? What about the drug slingers lining East Church Street?
The only reason I can see is that the Camden Neighborhood Association actually has to see students, these people are not out in the bad areas of Salisbury. They are not effected by the jumping and muggings (usually it's the students who fall victim), they arent stuck living in BAD AREAS because of the 4 by 2. The only thing they have to worry about is hearing an occasional party or a rosebush impeding their daily walk. Seriously? When did cigarette, party, or even fauna regulation become more important than MURDERS, MUGGINGS, AND ROBBERIES?!
Vixenvigilante, you are awesome. I'll see you later ;)
thank you :) I tried to get a hold of you, but def have the wrong info saved.. I'll try holierthanthou when I'm out this afternoon.
I was bored in class, and pissed at albero (more so at evo for advertising with him) so I wrote an e-mail to Evo explaining my dissatisfaction with their advertising policies. feel free to substitute your own name and send
Dear Evolution Brewing Company,
It has recently come to my attention that you advertise on Joe Albero’s website, theothersbynews. I’m taking the time to send this letter to you to voice my disappointment that you choose to advertise on this mans website. His blog consistently is filled with incorrect facts, hateful speech, and a prevalent anti-student bias. While I understand that his blog receives hits many local visitors, I don’t think that associating yourself with this man helps your company’s image. I really do love your products, but because you choose to associate yourself with such an anti-student person; I will be making the choice to stop purchasing your products. I will also be advising my fellow students to join my boycott. I hope that you choose to re-evaluate your advertising with Mr. Albero and I look forward to enjoying your products again if you choose to end your advertisement with this man.
Obi X, ‘12
ObI X,'12
You've got the right idea but unfortunately the wrong website. Albero's webstite (I hate to post it but) is sbynews... we are theothersbynews. If you could just tweek that little typo it'd be perfect. Thanks for taking the time to speak up though, that is awesome of you! We appreciate your readership and your comments, have a great day :)
If you have respect for your neighbors, they will have respect for you. I was once in college and enjoyed myself. We had parties at a friends, in a neighborhood that was completely student rentals. Where I lived was in a neighborhood where families lived. Realize that they may not appreciate your parties, especially on a weeknight. They have to get up early and go to work, and may have young children at their house. They also probably do not like to wake up to the hooping and hollering at 2:00 am to find someone pissing in their front yard and the next morning have to clean up beer cans and such from their yard. I think you will find that if you can have a little respect for their peace, and maybe even talk to them once in a while, they really wont care about a party on the weekend or a low key gathering late on a weeknight. Respect goes both ways. This is a much better aproach than to force them to have to call the cops because their right to peace was violated.
We totally understand. Our qualm is with the powers that be who send cops out on a party crashing escapade that we take issue with. We also have it on very good authority that several council members have candidly expressed their dislike for college kids. Coughdebbiecoughcough. In any case, we appreciate your comment and we agree with you totally. Respect goes both ways. Have a wonderful evening
So last sunday my friend got into some shit stealing pizza from the commons. They called 2 cop cars over it even though they had not even left the commons with the pizza. That same day my friend and i were sitting on his porch. We were on Ohio street, a man on another porch started yelling Bitch. Calling him a bitch till my friend was pissed off enough to walk over. We walk over and he pulls a rifle on us. No cops came, we were to scared at the moment to call them for fear of further retaliation. I don't trust salisbury police.
Anon 10:03,
We aren't going to condone theft. Stealing anything is not acceptable. That being said, we also don't condone inciting violence and gun crime, especially against a fellow gull.
This asshole that you speak of...yea, you need to report his ass. We can totally understand your distrust of the Salisbury Police. We have repeatedly told them that college kids are hesitant to contact the police for fear that we'll end up getting charged with something completely irrelevant just because we're college kids. Talk about some gullshit.
Here is our suggestion- Contact Barbara Duncan (Salisbury City Police Chief). She is a fair, compassionate, honest woman. She has already demonstrated a desire to improve student-police relations. Give her your statement and be sure to include that you did not initially call the police because you distrust them. She'll understand. And please make sure you've disposed of any "paraphernalia" before the police respond.
The Salisbury City Police phone number is: 410-548-3165.
As always, keep reading and keep commenting. Keep us posted on how things turn out and feel free to email us if you would like to discuss this matter more discretely.
When I was a sophomore, living in UP I had one bitch of a random roommate, anyways one day I am peacefully sitting in class and I get a phone call from the office at university park saying that I need to come by to discuss the weed that was in my room. Well it ends up that my crazy roommate had contacted the apartment people saying that I had weed, they then call the police and send them into my room, before I was even notified of anything(um hello fourth amendment). By the time I returned home, the police were long gone, along with my weed and had left nothing but a business card scribbled on the back "please call me about the weed"
Then I was forced to turn myself in to the assholes who have nothing better to do than come steal a plants.
At my court date, the public defender and I had planned to fight that it was unreasonable search and seizure, luckily the charges ended up being dropped before anything happened because the lazy police department hadn't gotten the lab results back from my baggie saying 'yes dumbass this is marijuana'
Salisbury police, you fail.
Do not rent from the Roop Group they take advantage of College Students and will take all your money when you move out. Huge Aholes.
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