Monday, May 23, 2011

5/23 City Council Meeting Minutes/ Our Drinking Game Results

And we're off!
We offer our apologies for not posting the drinking game rules earlier today. Since the rules are being amended to accommodate the new Council, we leave it to your discretion to decide when to drink this evening.

6:00- Thanks for coming out Jim. All of Council is here as well.
6:01- Awkward moment of silence and pledge. We'll spend it drinking.
6:02- True to form, Debbie already wants to amend something. She wants to send a grant from the Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention back to work session. DRINK.
6:03- Shanie says she asked her questions earlier today and is ready to pass it.
6:04- Laura wants to hear what the public has to say- thank you Laura.
6:05- Tim agrees with Debbie, no surprise there.
6:06- The Mayor wants to move forward with the grant.
6:07- Debbie stands by her motion to not make any decisions in public.
6:08- Tim agrees with Debbie again.
6:09- The Mayor acknowledges the audience who has come a long way to hear the Councils decision.
6:10- Shanie says, "I do not need to see every single piece of paper that comes through this city. I am confident in the city heads abilities... I looked at this package already and would like it to move forward."
6:10- Once again Laura acknowledges the citizens of Salisbury and beyond who have a vested interest in this decision.
6:11- Debbie says she doesn't care about the people who came to hear the decision...basically.
6:12- The Mayor says Debbie recieved 98% of the paperwork, "what didn't you get Council?"
6:12- Terry "I only remember recieving a few emails-"
6:12- Mayor "You didn't get all those letters that I put in your mailbox....I didn't send you the whole binder, but I sent you everything that matters of what we had." LOL!! Good for you Jimmy!!
6:13- Laura-28 pages of what we got was blank...
6:13- Terry "I apologize to those of you who came down. What happened last week was that I asked the Mayor to come to our budget meeting...last week was the first time we heard about this grant...lets vote.." DRINK.
6:15- Debbie, Terry, and Tim vote Aye to send the bill back to work session (shocker), Shanie and Laura vote Nay (and who said Council would be dominated by more 3-2 partisanship?). At any rate, the bill is going back to work session where will likely ne'er see it again.
6:16- The Mayor says we are an All America City and one of the best cities for young people to grow up in...DRINK.
6:19- Rob Mulford gets an does Herb does the James M. Bennett Drumline- WOOT- GO CLIPPERS!!!
6:20- An educated individual who knows what he is talking about is speaking- a nice change for Council. He's advertising Delmarvacade...we like this. Well done Bennett.
6:24- Pastor Rodriguez is speaking...
6:24- Dan's Dance Studio is speaking...
6:26- Something about City Insurance...we're drinking. Oh that's nice, there's a check involved.
6:32- Here's Pam with the Award of Bids. Oh Lord, she has to ask Council for something. (We think) The bonding company is agreeing to finish the work on Waverly if the City rescinds its Declaration of Default. Second, Internal Services...there's a surplus of vehicles in the Fire Dept., they just need to be declared as such so that they can be disposed of or auctioned off. Next is a request from the Police Dept. to award (we think) a bid on a speed enforcement program...they are willing to share the revenue with the City...internal services wants to go with option 1, where the private instillation company would receive 35% of the $40 tickets... we missed an item due to personal convo- sorry... last, Beaver Dam Drive Pedestrian Bridge...there are sufficient funds in different contract amounts to be able to do this project...
6:39- Debbie has "a few questions"...Mr. Wilber are you sure that this is the approach we need to take?
6:40-Paul "Yes." Lol, nice one Paul.
6:40- Laura, "Do we have any other experiences with Somerset Marine(a)?" Good question.
6:40- Pam "The reviews were glowing."
6:41- Debbie gives Pam another job. Drink for Pam.
6:42- Terry has "a few questions"...drink.
6:43- Tim asks a decent question about wording of the contract concerning "additional work"...Pam explains to him how bids work.
6:44- Our favorite part, Public Hearing. No one made any comments though. Drink for Delmarva's civic apathy.
6:45- Unfortunately Salisbury, we have a house guest who has just arrived. We'll check back in tomorrow.

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