We recently informed you that Candidates Spies and Cohen have waged war against The Other SBY News. The big guy must be looking out for us because they provided sufficient evidence in their little charade that they are NOT student friendly candidates. That takes talent. They have accused us of being paid off by "special interests," claimed that we provide misinformation and have even attempted to shut us down. All failed attempts of course. This blog is a student-run blog and we see an attack on us as an attack on the entire student body. That is why we are taking this opportunity to formally announce our support for candidates Muir Boda and Orville Dryden
Muir and Orville are the only candidates that we see as being viable options for Tuesday's election. Why? Because while other candidates were scratching their butts and twiddling their thumbs (and by this we mean spreading lies and deceit), Boda and Dryden were hard at work updating their sites and issuing campaign letters addressed directly to students. While it is apparent that the thought of a student influenced election scared Cohen and Spies into addressing the student body, Boda and Dryden repeatedly showed an avid interest in student issues; and interest not motivated by fear or pride but rather by concern for every Salisbury Citizen including students. When going to the polls on Tuesday, ask yourself who you would rather have in office. Those willing to ruin the futures of enterprising young college students or those who embrace the ingenuity of the young mind and provide an arena for it to flourish. While we have not received any formal statement from Laura Mitchell, we perceive her as being the best third option for the upcoming election. For more information on where these candidates stand on the issues, visit their websites:
Word up.
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