Monday, April 18, 2011

Did Anybody Else Just See That?!?!

Here's what Gulls. The whole thing was a set up...a cheap, dark alley set up. Watching tonight's City Council meeting was like being forced to sit through a really bad ballet- you know you're supposed to support the arts, but you kind of want to kill yourself because the dancing f*****g sucks.

Everything was choreographed. That shit was planned down to the very last "aye." Terry didn't get "elected" president of anything; she knew it was coming- you could tell by the way she was smiling down at the floor. And Tim- a little quick on the uptake weren't ya? Before Jimmy had even finished asking for nominations, Tim was busting in with "I nominate Debbie Campbell!" Then, before poor Jim could ask for a vote on it, Deb cuts in, "As flattered as I am by this nomination I must decline it." She gave no explanation. She then follows up by nominating Cohen for president instead; Terry bats her eyelashes and pretends to be shocked. Spies seconds Debbie. Within a matter of 30 seconds Terry Cohen is President of City Council, Jim is cracking bad jokes to ease the tension, and Laura Mitchell is about to burst into tears while the rest of us look on in horror.

It was bad Gulls, real bad. We hate to say we told you so Delmarva... but we are, because we did. We told you these people would run Salisbury into the ground but you voted for them anyway (or didn't vote at all) and now look where we are- dangling by our balls over a shark tank of over-regulation and back door corruption. Don't take our word for it though-watch the re-runs for yourselves tomorrow morning at 10 am on channel 14. You won't be disappointed...actually you probably will be, but at least it won't be a surprise. As for us, we've got some hard alcohol and Sinatra waiting up in's going to be a long summer.


Anonymous said...

Funny how Debbie declined the President's Position but was happy to take on the role of Vice president. The puppet master is losing her subtlety.

Anon in Salisbury said...

I noticed Muir Boda gave Laura Mitchell and Tim Spies hugs after they took the oath of office. Must have been tough watching that after all the effort he put into the camapign. It takes great character to be that gracious and it was great that it was caught on PAC-14 for everyone to see his character shine through. I have never met Boda, twice this campaign season he left a brochure and I received his mailer. I was just impressed by his actions tonight.

Archie Bunker said...

I'm not sure how much longer Salisbury can survive with these idiots in charge.

Anonymous said...

Great comments by Gary Comegys he is a real friend to the University and students. Even his enemies gave him a standing ovation. We will miss Gary on the council.

Anonymous said...

You are nuts - all of you. This town was run into the ground by the likes of Dunn, Louweasal, Comegys, Shanie, and the worst of all
Barrie. It's about time things got turned around. Your turn to wah, wah, wah all the way home.

A.Adams said...

Really? We think it was actually run into the ground when property-owners in Salisbury were no longer allowed to vote in the city. Go back to that year and trace our economic status- what I would do for a bar graph of that!