Thursday, April 21, 2011


Please feel free to take a look around our blog, read our mission statement, and leave comments. We know that some of you like Joe and although we disagree with that sentiment (to the very cores of our beings) we want to say THAT'S OK. Because on our blog everybody has a voice. So go ahead and poke around a little, take your time. We're in no hurry- we've got the next ten years to get to know you. Either way we are sure that in the coming months you will get to know us. So relax. Enjoy. And welcome- to The Other Salisbury News.

P.S. -Thanks for the shout out G.A.!! We've been waiting.

Check Us Out On Facebook!!!


Anonymous said...

Who says I dont know you already? Read between the Lines.

Holierthanthou said...

Hi Joe.

Anonymous said...

Not Joe, just testing the waters.

Holierthanthou said...

Aw shucks.

Anonymous said...

Nice touch. Now that we have figured that out...

Anonymous said...

I really HATE joe albero ! I mean, I really do HATE that @##%$%%#

SAM I AM said...

SAM I AM says hi.

Anonymous said...

With this kind of traffic you wont be able to squash a bug. No traffic no power.

Holierthanthou said...


Seeing as you have absolutely no idea how many hits we receive, i must say that i don't think you're qualified to make that statement. Knowledge = lack both.

doug said...

Fuck you. Understand that.

Holierthanthou said...

No thanks.

A.Adams said...

Well at least you put your name on it Doug. Well done you. Now be sure to tell Joe what you said to us when you report back, else you won't get that cookie he has waiting for you :)

Bill O'Writes said...

Where would blog commenting be without pettiness? For someone so full of knowledge, I would assume that you would be familiar with the proper technique and etiquette with which one ought to properly construct an argument.

In case that was one of the bits of information you were forced to leave out of your "head" for fear that it may explode, allow me to take that risk with an informative link:

Feel free to play the fun home game where you match each of your posts with a different fallacy!

A.Adams said...

:) Thanks Bill

Anonymous said...

Boy, Joe's followers have a real mean streak. Birds of feather....

Anonymous said...

Keep up the great work!!!!! You are have opened my eyes to what Salisbury has become....I really believe it is a sad day...Again, Thank you very much for all your hard work and know you have a lot of people behind you!!!!

vixenvigilante said...

WOW joe. big middle finger in the air to you right now. I've responded to your blog intelligently and rashly three different times. NOT A SINGLE ONE HAS BEEN POSTED. I told you my landlord is Don that who you have in mind..that he is the mastermind behind all this? I'm helping them write as well, and the fact it, you are SCARED and INTIMIDATED by students who have chosen to educate themselves not not be a mouthpiece for your regurgitated pile of shit news.

A.Adams said...

Thank you Anon 11:16! We'll do our best to keep delivering :) Keep reading!

Wymzie said...

I love it that you guys at SU are getting involved in the local politics. And yes, you guys should follow your professors encouragement and register to vote here. You can make the difference that this city needs.

Anonymous said...

I like it A trashy slut doing something to get her blog noticed bravo

Chuck Adams said...

I found this and am impressed. One Avid Reader here moving forward!! Congrats to you!!

A.Adams said...

Thanks Chuck!

J Perdue said...

Is this Chuck Adams of "In the Sand" fame?

tormentz said...

These are the type of people you are dealing with. copied from a court document

JENNIFER ALBERO: By her own admission, Albero was a willing participant in the workplace give-and-take.
She brought a pornographic video to work, which she showed for a few minutes.
commented to fellow employees, at work, that her showerhead “satisfied” her better than her exhusband.
She told sexual jokes, bragged of a boyfriend’s physical “endowments,” and
participated in purchasing sexual “gag” gifts for colleagues, including edible underwear and an
inflatable sheep.
On two occasions, she attended strip clubs with other employees after
working hours.

Unknown said...

I have a different perspective to this whole event.

DLP said...

initially I thought this blog was going to be a breath of fresh air, and one that would actually portray both sides of an issue. It's increasingly clear (especially after the Council fiasco) that you are just another blog with a personal agenda. Standing up for Students rights, and making this city aware that Salisbury needs the economic inpact of the student population is commendable, but in my opinion, this blog was created solely as another forum for Kris Adams to spew hate at those who disagree with her. I'm about as anti-Camden as one can be, and Ireton really is a know-nothing, do-nothing Mayor, but the whole thing stinks of retribution, and that's only contributing to the discord already in place. I will say that posting ALL comments is refreshing, but for me, your credibility is now questionable, I'll continue to stop by every so often, and watch the hate grow from here.

Anonymous said...

Please tell me the name of the song and artist you have playing on the site.

A.Adams said...

DLP- Kris Adams has nothing to do with this site- in fact, none of SAPOA has anything to do with it. Now, we know that "thinking for ourselves" is a new phenomenon here on the shore, but we ask you to open your mind to the idea that maybe there are more than 2 opinions in Salisbury...if you think about it, that conclusion is actually a lot more logical than any of Joe's conspiracy theories. Thanks and keep giving input!

A.Adams said...

And 7:57- if you wanna know what the song is that badly, track it down on Google.

Anonymous said...

Nice attitude Black Sheba. Fuck you!

Holierthanthou said...

Good Morning - Chamillionaire

FredG said...

Your Anonymous April 6, 2011 12:48 PM said...
Who says I dont know you already? Read between the Lines.
Then Again Anonymous April 6, 2011 12:48 PM said... Not Joe, just testing the waters.

It was either the Monster or a Monster allie, a.k.a. his pet toad G.A.. His tired old, "Read between the lines" has been so overused by the Monster in the past, that every letter should have slimy green mold, hanging on each one. He's just recently gone back to, reusing his miniscle vocabulary of phrases, taken directly from his "Clever Phrases for Dumb Turds", dictionary. Don't believe every "Gull" Able thing they print for you to read. They're looking for GullShitz opportunities. The world is so overrun and full of Monsters of Deceit. Your gonna do well, and we (that's a group of us) like the way you think and promote your site. Have a happy and safe week-end.

A.Adams said...

Thanks Fred :)

FredG said...

Take notice of your nasty or negative comments. ALL Anonymous. Who else do you know that slanders, belittles, and attempts to intimidate others, without identifing themselves, hiding behind Anonymous? Only one source for Spew, the Monster Slogg of Slime. Or his pet toad "Fat Orville", a.k.a. G.A.

FredG said...

One last thought, then I'm gone. He needs name recognition, good or bad, doesn't matter to him. I'm positive of this. Take that away, he fade into the sunset. He starves for it, delights, fantasizes about his fictious importantance. Call him by his new and improved name, Monster. He doesn't like that. It shames him. It belittles him. He's humiliated by it. Shove that New Name all the way up his ass, until he chokes on it, and he will then go away. Today, you give him what he wants and needs, take it away and he dies. I never use that old pretentous, hideous name of bullshit, the one that he believes glorifies him, because he's really a Monster, not a human, a real live MONSTER with a keyboard.

Wymzie said...

Anon 12:00 (aka Joe)

A trashy slut trying to promote my blog?
You are such an idiot, the blog hasn't even been updated in months. You are so predictable.

Anonymous said...

so that makes Wymzie one also