Friday, April 8, 2011

All-America City?? I've Seen Everything.

Delmarva- Did you know that last year Salisbury was named an All-America City by the National Civic League thanks to the efforts of Mayor Ireton? Well it was. You are probably wondering, like we were, how in the world Salisbury earned such an award when the qualifications for All-America recipients are the "demonstration of inclusiveness, civic engagement, and cross sector collaboration by describing successful efforts to address pressing local challenges." Yea, it's obvious that they've never been here, much less met the Mayor.

But it doesn't end there.
The homepage of the NCL states that, "All-America Cities have shown the ability to innovate in such areas as job creation, neighborhood revitalization, crime reduction, new housing for low income people, improving education, and engaging youth." Haha... hahaha.... ...BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Ok, but really this is very serious. Clearly, someone has lied to the NCL. Job creation? Crime reduction? HOUSING FOR LOW INCOME PEOPLE???? You've got to be kidding me. There has to have been some kind of mix up. Who in their right mind would put us up for this award? It would have to be someone so out of touch with reality, someone so in their own world, so void of common sense that...oh. Nevermind. It must have been the Mayor. Well done Jim. Hey! Have you tried applying for awards for thriving historic districts, clean rivers, and great voter turnouts? I bet we could get some for all that too. No, no- we get it and we are totally on board- it's like the Jedi Mind Trick- if you tell us its true, eventually we'll believe it. By the way, have you tried clicking your heels three times about the Neighborhood Legislative Package...give it a shot. After all, it worked for Dorothy.


Anonymous said...

You may or may not be surprised, but Salisbury did add a bunch of new Section 8 housing up by Brew River, not starting an argument, but they did do a little

A.Adams said...

Yea, who wouldn't wanna live there...

Lol, sry but I couldn't help it.
Thanks for commenting :)

SAM I AM said...

Still trying figure what efforts were made to address pressing local challenges.