Incident: Noise Complaint
Date of Incident: 12 March 2011
Location: 27000 block of Pemberton Drive, Salisbury, MD
Suspects: 1. Seth N. Moran, 21, Salisbury, MD
2. Nicholas A. Chapa Jr., 21, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 12 March 2011 at 12:32 AM, deputies from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office responded to a loud party complaint in the 27000 block of Pemberton Drive. Upon the arrival of the deputies, the party-goers were overheard yelling profanity and the yard was littered with empty beer cans. The deputies made contact with the two residents who were hosting the event, Seth Moran and Nicholas Chapa, and advised them of the disturbance the party was creating in the residential neighborhood. Instead of complying with those instructions, the party continued which resulted in additional complaints which brought the deputies back at 1:42 AM. Again, upon arrival, the deputies witnessed the party-goers yelling profanity and creating a disturbance in the neighborhood. Deputies again made contact with Moran and Chapa and instructed them to end the party and make arrangements for the guests to leave. When Moran and Chapa did not comply with these requests, they were both placed under arrest. Moran and Chapa were transported to the Central Booking Unit where they were processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, they were both released on Personal Recognizance.
Charges: Disorderly Conduct
Failure to Obey an Order of a Law Enforcement Officer to Prevent a Disturbance
Disturbance of the Peace
Now, we know there are two sides to every story which is why we would like to extend a formal invitation to Nick and Seth to write into our blog and tell your side of things. Our hope is that someday this blog will be so widely read that when you guys are applying for jobs later, and your future-employer goes to google your names, that your story will pop up right under the police report, and your lives won't be ruined by one night. Cause that really is gullshit.
I think there is a lesson to be learned...they were given the option to correct the issue and they refused which is why they were arrested. I would say the police were kind by not writing any tickets the first time they went to the house.
I agree being arrested for that infraction is overboard, however, the lesson should be..if you are lucky enough to find police officers willing to let you fix the issue it would be in your best interest to do so...
I hope you never have a party.
I tend to agree. It's a matter of prudence. We are all for college students being respectful...that isn't the issue we are contesting. What we are saying is that arrest shouldn't be an option unless violence- or the direct potential for violence- is involved. A party is not a reason to ruin a kids life. I've been to partys way crazier than any I have been to here in College Park and when the cops arrived they just told everyone to go home. That was it. They know how to handle a student behaviour in a student community and unfortunately we don't have the proper things in place to address them in Salisbury...or the surrounding areas.
I was a student at SU and had many parties...I agree as I stated in the first message that being arrested is/was overboard!!!! Many of our parties got out of hand and the police back then would tell everyone to leave...It looks like these students were given the same option...police were there at 12:32 then came back at point is after the first warning there is no longer an excuse.
Your responsible for your actions and those who are guests...
I have to say that some people only learn the hard way!!!!
I'm on your side!!!!!!
Thank you for clarifying. It's always good to know somebody is on our side, we tend to feel very isolated in Salisbury. Out of curiousity, when did you graduate?
In the 90's!!!!!!!
Very cool. Well keep up with the comments, we like to have input- and thanks for reading :)
Something similar happened at a house off s division recently. Except it was a Friday night, and the people cooperated with the cops yet still got arrested for changes of noise violations.
Anon 2:00,
Ah. The Roaring 90s. You all are legends.
Anon 2:06,
Email or comment us. We want your story!
The problem we seem to be facing is... there's a group of "Camden Crazies" that have either forgot what it was to be young or were never allowed to have fun. Now in there older age they want to single us out...if they would go 4 streets down and see the drugs/hookers/murders/rapes/robberies maybe an occasional loud party wouldn't be that bad.
I would find it hard to believe there are many residents who have lived in the same house since the University was built. They bought a house in a College town with College problems...they should have done their homework before buying. The University isn't going anywhere...actually, it's getting bigger and better!!!!!!
Yes, we should be resposible for our actions, however, going to JAIL for being loud...gimmie a break.
If the "Camden Crazies" had their way they would kick us out of fault they are!!!!!!
And i couldn't have said it any better myself. You are exactly right. Instead of focusing on the real problem at hand (gangs, drugs, hoes, you name it), they're focusing on getting students out of their neighborhoods by any means necessary. Pathetic? Absolutely. And they know it.
The question always lingered in my head "why would they want to get rid of such a large population? A population that contributes so much money (much of it out of state money) to the city's economy." That's when it occurred to me. They (the City Officials) don't want to drive us out of the area. Just the city. See if they are successful in passing this legislation then students will begin renting in the county. We'll still have the same amount of students. They'll just be the county's problem.
Though they've been successful at covering it up until now, The council and mayor have figured out that they can drive students out of city limits and the City's economy will continue to thrive off of us because duh...STUDENTS NEED SHIT! And the only place to buy that shit is in THE CITY.
So there you have it. All on the table. Thats what these people are trying to do. Drive us out of our homes by any means necessary so that they can continue to mooch on our money. Greedy. Now, it's up to us students to use our voice (on election day) and say "NO! We won't be driven out of the neighborhood that we've been renting in since we've gotten here. NO! We won't allow our precious dollars to be manipulated in that way! And NO! We won't be run by a hoard of non-student friendly politicians!"
Holierthanthou: these politicians are also trying to force the University to build more student housing. If they can contain the student body in student housing complexes, then they can have their neighborhoods back.
Thanks. We'll keep that in mind =]
someone told me yesterday that the candidates for in the upcoming election are suppose to come to the campus some time. do you know anything about that? thanks
We will ask around today and get back to you tonight :)
One of the individuals who was arrested in the police report had numerous parties last year which resulted in a lot of damage inflicted on his residence and some resentment from residents in his neighborhood. Based upon his poor track record and his recent arrest, one could deduce that he is one of the few slow learners at SU. Actually, he is one of the less than 5 % of student population who deserves the ass beating he is now getting. In this particular case, the punishment may, in fact, fit the crime.
I give credit to the sheriff.
Well, if that is the case then maybe he did deserve an ass beating...we are just glad you realize that while only 5% of students actually deserve this kind of action, it is still taken on 80% of us. Thank you for putting up another perspective and we look forward to your future posts:)
How can the flyer for this blog complain about how Salisbury thinks that college kids are idiots? Obviously they are idiots. Yelling and littering are pretty unnecessary, there's a reason while locals don't like us. They had chances to not get arrested but apparently that wasn't enough to provoke an intelligent thought.
Well you are just a ray of sunshine Anon 1:29. Thanks for posting and have a great day!
wow i guess im one of the supposed Camden Crazies.... but college party's are getting out of hand i live on smith st and the roving partys and screaming kids waking up families at 1:30am becomes a bit much and can only be tolerated for so long ..... granted 1 or 2 partys a year at a house is expected but not what seems every other weekend and when i have to clean up their trash and beer cans off my property and my vehicles that simple draws a line
I was at this party when they were arressted. Complete bullshit. They ended the party when asked to (it was a 21st birthday celebration), and the Sheriffs psoted up a street over to see if they were going to comply. I saw them when I went to get my car a street over from the house. People were literally in the process of walking out the front door and leaving when the Sheriffs came back and said they "disobeyed a lawful order". Such assholes. I sat and watched the entire thing as they were getting arrested. They may have been loud, and they followed the orders given to them, but it was a complete power trip. SuperCop was there too, this fucking faggot dickhead Sherrif that goes all out and wears gloves, a vest, and spikes his hair. He's a complete douche and shit talks and talks down college kids all the time. You know this guy if you've seen him. He's all of about 25 years old, obviously a rookie or has a year or two experience and is hungry for first blood. An upon arrest these guys sat in jail for 12 hours. We called the kjail multiple times asking if we could pick them up and they said no. Sorry, I don't know the rules of jail, I don't pick someone up from there everyday you fucking dickheads. The Comissioner refused to see them by the way,he didn;t come back until the morning, even though they pay a Commisioner to be on staff 24/7.
Thanks for sharing Anon 7:15! We really appreciate your input and are really glad you wanna get the truth out there! Things like this are the exact reason we created this site. Keep reading and commenting! Thanks again!
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