Sunday, March 27, 2011

Survey Response Results....Because You Voted.

Word must be getting out because Salisbury no-likey Jimmy's plan. In our most recent survey, we asked the question "How do you think the Neighborhood Legislative Package will affect you?" with responses being "negatively, positively, and indifferent." Here's the breakdown:

Negatively received 12 votes and made up about 71% of the votes.
Positively received 1 vote and made up about 6% of the votes.
Indifferent received 4 votes and made up about 24% of the votes.

So here's the breakdown. Out of all voters, 71% are not in favor of the legislative package, 6% are in favor of the package, and 24% are indifferent which really means that they should review our previous posts so that they can get a grasp on how this Neighborhood Legislative Package will really affect them. Now I'm no expert on statistics, but  it seems to me that if more people are against the package than are in favor of it....don't you think that it might not be the best thing since sliced bread. I mean seriously Salisbury. Stop catering to one group of people. We all live here and your asses are going to get handed to you if we show up at the polls.


Anonymous said...

Try that one again guys:

Positively received 12 votes and made up about 71% of the votes.
Negatively received 1 vote and made up about 6% of the votes.
Indifferent received 4 votes and made up about 24% of the votes.

In the real world that means that 71% ENDORSE the plan. Perhaps you live in a world where masochism is the norm.

Holierthanthou said...

My apologies for the typo...Negatively and Positively are switched. I have corrected the error but thank you for bringing it to my attention. Keep reading and have a great day! And no, masochism is not the norm in my world. I live in a world where rapists, murderers, petophiles, gangsters, burglars, and con-artists all walk the streets because nobody is doing a damn thing about it. Wait....that's just Salisbury. Please keep reading and thanks for your input! Have a good evening.