Wednesday, April 6, 2011

SU BOYCOTT!!! (Revised)


Here's Why:

For the last 15 months, local blogger Joe Albero has been tormenting and harassing the family of 11 yr old Sarah Foxwell who was found, brutally murdered on Christmas day, 2009. Yesterday afternoon, after the hearing for Sarah's murderer Thomas Leggs, Sarah's grandmother implored the public to help end Albero's reign of terror over her family by boycotting any and all businesses that advertise with Albero's blog. Seagulls- you are the economic powerhouse of the Eastern Shore- please rally to this woman's aid!!!

Here's How:

Here is a list of local businesses you may be familiar with, we ask that you stop giving them your money until they pull their ads from Albero's site. Thank you. Go Gulls!


Evolution Craft Brewing Company
Sobo's Wine and Beerstro
Pani Pit Pizza
The Red Roost
Vinny's La Roma
Cakes By David
Lagoon Bar and Grill
The Fountains
Eric Ludwig's Downtown Barber Shop
All About Tan
Benedict's Flowers
Mitchell's Marshall Arts
Crown Sports Center
The Smoke Shop
The Storage Center
The Roop Group
Simpson's Towing
Car Care
Cathy's Pet Salon


Anonymous said...

Great post you guys!! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE remind the SU student population that Debbie Campbell, soon to be (Help us all!) president of the Council, lives next door to Joe Albero's in-laws. She and Albero are as close as they can possibly be. He has been doing her dirty work, mainly smearing anyone who disagrees with her, for 6 years now. Campbell's two closest allies; Terry Cohen and Tim Spies. Both of them, too, have been in bed with Albero for years. A city council led by these three, and backed by Albero? Unconscionable. Do your best to get this word out Other Sby News. Many of us are hoping you can help sink these Camden-ites and Albero lovers!

Anonymous said...

If there is any justice in this world, all citizens of Salisbury will screw their courage to the sticking place and drive Albero from our midst. To drive him out, we must also reject his minions and the people who profit from his slander and verbal abuse. The Camden politicians have been sending information to Albero and using him to tear down this city for 7 years. If this city is to go forward to a place where the University is celebrated and students are welcomed with open arms then we must reject the hate and vote in civil candidates. Those candidates are Muir Boda, Orville Dryden and Laura Mitchell. If you are registered, get your ass to the poles on Tuesday April 5th and make a difference.

Anonymous said...

good idea

Anonymous said...

also, you guys should get rid of the Captcha thing. i'm pretty sure you aren't getting spam and you're also approving every comment any way so make it easier for people to comment!

Anonymous said...

is this the same albero that Spies and Cohen used to demonstrate campaign contributions at the camden association meeting. this ties them together and in by book a vote for spies is a vote for albero, a vote for cohen is a vote for albero is this what you want determining your future?

Chelsea said...

Love this blog to death but I can't in all good conscious boycott EVO beer or SOBOS or hell even Market (even if they are over priced for a simple domestic draft) . The owners are about the only good thing this town has to offer and probably the only reason I like this place. The add a little class to an area that really needs it.

As for the rest, a boycott from me wouldn't matter because I never frequent them.

But to EVO and SOBOs I remain ever loyal

A.Adams said...

It wouldn't be forever Chelsea, just until they pull their ads. They are helping Albero harass and torment the family of a murdered child. We have watched as Albero blamed Sarah Foxwell's family for her murder, called her pregnant mother a slut, and say that it was their fault that she died (and that's just 3 things he's said about them off the top of my head). Now that her grandmother issued a public plea asking for assistance in stopping him, we can't ignore it. Believe us, we also like EVO and Sobos, but until they stop financing this monster, we will take our business to Hunan Palace. Your choice is of course up to you, but every person helps and matters in a town like Salisbury. Thanks for reading and commenting, have a good day! :)

Anonymous said...

Just to clarify, Albero doesn't need the advertisings to run his blog. It is free to run a blog just as you don't need funding to run your blog. Albero is a retired millionaire, he doesn't really need the money. Also from my understanding the money doesn't go to Joe.

A.Adams said...

Anon 10:31- We are well aware that Joe is a retired millionaire- how else could he get away with the crap that he does? And we know that the money from his ads goes to charity, which is all well and good, except that the communal price for Joe's charity is the ritual sacrifice of random citizens to his blog whenever he gets bored. Here at The Other Salisbury News, we believe in finding alternate methods of helping people. Methods that don't necessitate the slander of innocent people. And that's our clarification. Thanks for the input and have a good day :)

Archie Bunker said...

Good post.

Joe's Victims said...

Please consider linking this site;

Holierthanthou said...

We'll see what we can do.

Anonymous said...

I recently purchased 3 Gift certificates at Sobo's. Wish I could get my money back.

Anonymous said...

Fuck Adam Roop. Scourge on our society!

A.Adams said...

We do want the Roop Group to pull their ads from sbynews, but lets try to refrain from outright slander, shall we? The Other Salisbury News does not block any comments, but we do ask that in your future input, you hike it up a little in the class dept...thanks and keep reading :)

Ben said...

Looks like market isnt advertising on sbynews any more