Saturday, March 19, 2011

Get Dat Green!!

This song goes out to all those workaholic Seagulls who staid on the Eastern Shore for Spring Break to make money. We feel you.


Anonymous said...

hate to say the other blog sites know which one i'm talking about. he had an article about laura mitchell (full disclosure i support)a candidate for city council. it is a rumor as of now...i'm doing my research to get to the bottom of this...

but the reason i'm sending this message is...i sent comments to albero that were factual. they delt with terry cohen and here 40 foot sail boat...debbie campbell and her other houses...why is that important!!!! Becuase they want us to pay for there health care as they cry poor!!!!! the worst one tim spies....there's pictures of his house with a ton of repairs needed...he has been given extension after extension to fix those problems....terry, debbie and the mayor say homes in disrepair are the cause for crime...

We have someone running for city council who is the worst offender and terry campaigns with him!!!! c'mon man

can't everyone see the truth......

Joe is one sided and is in bed with terry,debbie, and tim...he needs to be called out...he is censoring comments that have no foul language or personal attacks just factual information!!!!!!!

Joe what do you have to say or are you Chicken!!!!!!

A.Adams said...

Anon 12:36,

We know how you feel. We sent facts in to that other blog too and they were ignored. That's part of the reason we started The Other Salisbury News.

Here's the thing: while all of the above information certainly doesn't say much for Cohen, Campbell, Spies, or Laura Mitchell, we still think that Salisbury's habit of letting random character evaluations takes precedent over our candidates political history is an outdated method of judging who is good for public office. Personal attacks based on what people do in their private lives is the kind of info that other bloggers might love, but here at The Other Salisbury News, we want to raise the standard. For instance- the fact that Debbie Campbell wants to shove us all in giant apartment complexes that would cost $800/ room is a lot more useful than the fact that she has another Silver Beach...which she rents. The fact that Terry Cohen has said multiple times in public that she wants a "zero tolerance policy" towards college kids is more useful to us than talking about her boat.

So while we thank you for your input and agree with you that lobbying for healthcare benefits when you can afford them is incredibly bad form, we would like to see more in the way of...public facts...attained through public means. Voting histories, political affiliations, and quotations acquired through public forums are more along the lines of what we are looking for. If we let rumors count as news, we sink to the same level as...that other blog. And we think you'll agree, there's nothing worse than that.

Thanks for your input and keep posting! :)

Anonymous said...

wow. well said. this blog seems like a breath of fresh air for the shore. let's hope it keeps up!