As further proof that Albero is Debbie Campbell's personal piss-boy (see History of the World Part I for clarification) we present to you the special article she wrote for Sbynews alone (click here to read). Upon checking the Daily Times this morning to see whether Deborah is utilizing all of her media resources in her quest to publicly scourge Mitchell, Shields, and the Mayor, we found that the Op-Ed in question was not there. Yes Delmarva, this means that Sbynews finally got the scoop on something- and the scoop was Debbie Campbell. Of course, it isn't hard to get a scoop when you are pulling from your own bucket, but lets give credit where credit is due: Good job G.A.! You finally convinced Debbie to go public with her relationship to Sbynews! We can't imagine a better time for this career move...
Anyway, Mrs. Campbell's little article is basically just a combination of her normal council lectures put to writing- she brags about her dedication to the public, gives us a play-by-play of all of the things she has refused to support, explains in unnecessary detail why her perspective is better than everyone elses....the usual. Her main point was that she was not simply undoing all of the previous administrations work...she's undoing everybody's equally. At any rate, what Deborah is really attempting to do is clear her name of the cattiness that has recently been associated with it. Unfortunately, her efforts fall a bit short of the mark as phrases like "one council colleague...", "certain people...", "the same council member...", and "some members of council..." crop up over and over again.
But what The Other SBY News found the most interesting about Deborah's article was not the knife she stuck in the Mayors back in the last line or even her detailed selling out of Laura Mitchell- it was the fact that she unabashedly spoke on behalf of Cohen and Spies and explained their decision making as a single unit. This unwise move has thereby affirmed our suspicions that the Camden Crew is stronger than ever and that Debbie is in charge of it.
All in all Delmarva, we are off to a good start today; The leader of the Crew has gone public and we now know for sure that there is a substantial connection between Sbynews and the Salisbury City Council. While these new developments may not help us sleep at night, its at least good to know what we are dealing with.
Have a great day Salisbury! Stay safe...and as always, Godspeed.
Wow! Interesting that Debbie is letting it all hang out. Yes, the quest for power is making her sloppy.
I read that piece and you are misrepresenting it. She said that they voted as they did for a variety of reasons but one thing they agreed on was that it wasn't the best use of tax dollars.
I thought you were a college student. Try reading things through next time.
Debbie Campbell used to let Joe and GA do the dirty work for her by playing behind the scenes leaking intentional misrepresentations about council members and other members of the community she dislikes. Now she has fully affiliated herself with the likes of Joe Albero who is under investigation for all manner of criminal activity. Do we really want our City Council Members attacking people through the use of a cruel, unethical and disreputable blogger? This is Political Corruption of the lowest order.
Good try, but no cigar.
I asked Mrs. Campbell to write that op-ed. She was kind enough to do so but stated that she would send it to some other media outlets including the "Daily Times". To the best of my knowledge, she forwarded copies to SbyNEWS, the DT, and to WICO (Bill Reddish).
Just because I put it up as soon as we received it doesn't imply anything other than the fact that SbyNEWS is online and can react faster than the "Daily Times". That is not a criticism of the DT but a simple statement of fact.
You don't like Debbie Campbell. That's fine. However, I really do wish that you would come up with an intelligent argument against her statements or votes.
As one of the pro-SAPOA mouthpieces, you could do so much more. I've publicly argued against Cohen and Campbell on the so-called "Safe Streets" package. I did so with facts and argument. Instead, you want to rely on ad-hominem and misrepresentation.
It's pretty obvious there's a strong connection between lil Debbie and the fat ass / blow hard duo at Sbysprews and she just put it on the table, as did GA when he admits he asked her to write it. She thinks it's for the "court of public opinion" which is a phrase she likes to use, and in this case she is right. Her association with sbyspews will be her downfall.
Pro-SAPOA mouthpiece? This coming from a man who just yesterday was prowling around the Camden neighborhood in his car looking in people's windows on Debbie's orders? Don't even try to deny it, I saw you. Here's what G.A.- when you stop acting as personal henchman for Debbie Campbell, we'll give you an intelligent argument about her. Until then, I really don't feel you deserve one. really think because you disagreed with "Safe Streets" package now called the "Neighborhood" package that lets you off of the hook for being a mouthpiece for Debbie, Terry and Tim...please!
Are you saying you disagree with all 7 of the should probably make it clear what you mean...i don't want to misrepresent what you are saying!!!! By the way...I was of the understanding that the "package" came from the Mayor...the truth be told we All know were the package was really conceived!!!
Votes...why have they voted NO on all of these grants for lower income families. Yet they just voted yes to help a coffee shop get grant money from the state. Any way you slice the bagel grant money comes from taxes payers...that's right that the girl who applied goes to Terry's church...mmmmmmm!!!!!!!!
Do we get free coffee and cupcakes at her store?
Boy don't let me catch you looking in my window!!!!!!
G.A.'s next original thought will be his first. I can’t help but laugh when he tries to wax philosophical. If Albero did not continually pull on his leash he would constantly be sitting in his own feces. I remember Campbell speaking at our Rotary Club meeting a few years back when she was just starting her bid for City Council. I, like most in attendance, thought she was off her rocker and didn’t give her any chance at being elected. Unfortunately her “all college students are evil and are ruining our neighborhoods” message hit home with AARP crowd that tend to show up in droves on election day. As far as I’m concerned she and Albero deserve each other – at least we will know where to point the finger as Salisbury continues to go down the shitter …
Edit button! I just wanted to mention I never got Campbell's "press release" which is pretty odd considering. sure must be nice to sit up there on high to the right of Debbie's imaginary throne while Debbie dictates to the world the shoulda, woulda and coulda's. You, GA, do not have an ounce of true repulican blood running through your veins because you thwart business and economic principles for cronyism. If you weren't enjoying the daily horsewhipping by Joe and Debbie, you might be able to sift through their agenda minded crap and behave with some honor by being an actual news man. Until you shake loose from that corrupt bunch and apologize for the many misdeeds you have committed against your fellow man, you won't be a respected member of the community. I wish you luck on seeing the light.
A light bulb just went off! Joe hired G A to read the anti blogs because Joe declares he hasn't read one in seven months. That way Joe can still refrain (wink, wink) from reading anti-blogs while G A has the grunt job of correcting opinions of the anti-bloggers.
Survey Question: How long will it take G A to come to the conclusion he's being used? Or will Joe throw one of his rants and fire G A first?
Has anyone else noticed that the GA that stole Cambell - his ass grew three times larger that day?
Is it just me or is Albero's blog turning liberal?
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