Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Week of Much Substance!


This has certainly been a week of change and it's definitely a week of celebration. At the beginning of the week, we were informed that Osama had been squirted with some metal (Osama can't clux with us) and the ball is still rolling! Today is special for two reasons: First, it's Cinco de Mayo and we will be celebrating. Second, the Bricks Project is starting to look up.

To clarify what The Bricks Project is- it is a city-owned brick complex that was intended to provide affordable housing for renters. There has been a lot of controversy over this project, but The Daily Times reports that the project is likely to receive a loan from the Community Development's Partnership Rental Housing Program. Though things were looking grim for The Bricks Project, this loan means that it's making some much needed headway. Things are getting done, Gulls and we like it when shit gets done!

1 comment:

John Robinson said...

I have enjoyed your site this week. Getting away from the asshole is a fresh breath. Call me... ASAP!