Albero seems to be laboring under the impression that the SAPOA President's daughter created this blog. Well seeing as I have a dick and am the original founder of this site, I'm not her. Try checking your facts again Joe. Oh wait. You don't have them do you? What's that? You don't know shit about whose running this blog? Yea, that's because there are 5 of us dumbass. Feel free to start running Joey. We'll give you a head start. You're gonna need it.
We noticed you waited until after the election to go after students. Smart move but it won't save you. You spread lies like it's your job....oh wait, it is. Contrary to your false claims, we have never made any attempt to post a link to our blog on your site (Lol and now that you've done it for us- we don't need to!) As our blog grows, your readership will get smaller and smaller until *poof* -No more SBY News.
No worries. We will not be going anywhere. We are here for the sole purpose of providing you with quality information so that you can be better informed about the community. We aren't about to let some cigar smoking hobbit with a superiority complex get in the way of that. We are the new gavel of Delmarva.
Albero- You brought this on yourself. Prepare to get served little man- cause it's on.
I have a dick, thats funny shit right there.
Yes, Terry Cohen and Tim Spies' HENCHMAN, Joe Albero, is hard at work punishing anyone TIM, TERRY AND DEBBIE think campaigned against them in the election. This attack against SAPOA and specifically Mrs. Adams is just the first of many. The Camden Association has created the perfect storm of power. Three of the Camden Members are now on the Council. Anyone who is perceived as a threat to the Campbell regime, will now be mercilessly attacked on Joe Albero's website. The impending 4 year reign of terror has begun not even 24 hours after they won the election. Cyberterrorism at the hands of our own elected officials at its best. If Spies, Cohen and Campbell do not denounce Albero's Cyberterroism in the name of civility, their silence enables and supports his behavior for their own benefit.
Holierthanthou, marry me, please?
Please don't degrade hobbits like that!
He labors under any impression or thought, since his IQ is below 70. Just finding his dickie every morning is almost more than he can mentallly handle.
The Monster is so retarded that he never thought to purchase the name Salisbury News, or SBYNews.
Dr. Delusion has the first and the Daily Times has the latter.
My husband told him how to do it but he insisted he had a crackshot college kid who handled all of his tech work for him.
This was clue #1 for us that he was the loser that he is.
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