Friday, March 25, 2011

Joe's On Top, Tim's On Bottom.

Tim Spies earned the title of Master Chief Petty Officer during his time in the Navy. I wonder if we could give him the same title for his time in Salisbury too? Because that is what Tim Spies is- petty. Think we are being harsh? We don't think so. Truth be told, we could call him a lot worse. Two nights ago at the Camden Neighborhood Association Forum, Tim Spies looked into the PAC 14 camera and promised the people of Salisbury that he (and his running-mate Terry Cohen) were ready to put all of the old issues behind them in favor of teamwork and professionalism. At the same time, only ten feet away from Tim, laying innocently on the table with all of the other candidates information, was an unsuspecting orange flyer.

What was on that flyer, you ask? Only the most vicious smear campaign to enter any church since the inquisition. Thats right people- there in God's House, Spies was disseminating the names and addresses of his opponents campaign contributors to the public with explicit orders to have those random people tracked down and humiliated for having the audacity to support Boda and Dryden, instead of him.

WTF? Last time we checked we do not live in Soviet Russia and you can give money to any candidate you damn well please. Being punished for it shouldn't even be an option. But hey. Let's give credit where credit is due. While Tim Spies name is in microscopic print at the bottom of the list taking credit for it, at the top is the original leader of the Boda-Dryden contributor witch-hunt- Shocker.

You know what Delmarva? We think there should be two awards for Master Chief Petty Officer given out today- one for Tim Spies for running a crooked, despicable campaign that targets the public even as he promises to defend it and one for Joe Albero, whose method of bringing "news" to Salisbury is to consistently make life hell for over half of the Eastern Shore. Good job boys! Your mothers must be so proud.


Anonymous said...

OMG. You know what? If Tim actually had a platform, he wouldn't need to slander other people or make inaccurate insinuations about others who don't agree with him. The problem is arrogant people are the blamers of the world and presume they have all the answers to every problem. Humble people are not threatened by listening to other perspectives. Humility allows a person to tackle a problem with the knowledge that good intentions are not necessarily good solutions.

Jonathan Taylor said...

O good ol nurse Tim is in for some fun compliments of yours truly next week

Anonymous said...

Tim, Terry, and now Bruce have one issue...housing!!!!! Please people get a clue and run on some new about ways to work with SU students, how to work with Rental owners, how to work with Business owners, how to work with the University, how to solve the sewer plant issues, how to have street sweepers cleaning, how to work with Tenants, how to work with Home owners other than the camden area, how to bring NEW business to town, how to reduce taxes and fees...the list could go on for ever....

Hopefully...we have some new voters this round to send a message that our problems are bigger than ONE Neighborhood!!!!!!!!!!!!

A.Adams said...


Anonymous said...

To put Joe and news in the same sentence is an oxymoron...

Joe is the joke of the shore...everyone sees right thru the propaganda...if he would at least man up and say what he stands for instead of the same line that he reports fairly...people may and thats a big MAY respect his site.

Joe is in the same camp as Terry, Debbie, and Tim...he needs the conflict at city council, the tension between resident/tenants/and rental owners, the high crime rate...they feed on this...why doesn't Joe ask them what they have done for the city???????

Michael Swartz said...

I'm curious about the orange flyer.

Before the primary I did a story on my website detailing the campaign contributions made previously.

There were two points made: Muir Boda, Joel Dixon, and (particularly) Orville Dryden had a lot of similar contributors. Fair enough; I detailed who they were and where they came from.

But I also pointed out the similarities of Terry Cohen and Tim Spies, since they had done a joint fundraiser.

So, a few days later, I went to cover the NAACP forum back in February and found my post as a Tim Spies flyer. In it, he recounted the portion about the Boda/Dixon/Dryden connection but conveniently left off the part about his collusion with Terry Cohen.

So I'm curious about two things:

Is Tim still using this information:

And is Joe Albero coming up with original stuff or copy-and-pasting mine? Certainly the financial reports are public information but I hope he didn't steal my work.

A.Adams said...

Michael, as someone who used to be a journalism major myself, few things piss me off more than plagiarism. That being said, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Joe stole your work. We will upload the orange flyer today so you can see for yourself whether or not he took it. Thanks for the input, and keep reading :)

Holierthanthou said...


We have uploaded the flyer and your site is indeed listed at the bottom of the first page.

Michael Swartz said...

And I love how Joe was late to the party, essentially rewriting my stuff with a little twist. Nice.