Wednesday, March 9, 2011


We are so happy you are here! To the left you will see our mission statement and our personal message to you; click on it so we can tell you what we do. Once you read it, come back and post all of your stories in the comments section right here. You can certainly post as anonymous, but we encourage you to become members. Thanks for reading (and hopefully writing)! Have an awesome day! :D


A.Adams said...

Since nobody has said anything yet, I'll begin with a story about one of my good friends who got completely shafted by the Salisbury Police a year or so ago. He is riding his bike home one night around 2 am from a party, minding his own business, when he sees flashing lights coming up behind him. Thinking they are going to pass him, he keeps on riding. But about 30 seconds later he hears sirens so he hops off his bike to see what the problem is. Apparently he is the problem. Within minutes he is taking a sobriety test, which he promptly fails, and is being handcuffed and put in the back of one of the cruisers. Why was there more than one police car there? Because they called for back up. That's right. Anyway, the other 2 officers help the first one load my poor friend and his bike into the car. Then he is driven to the police station where he is informed that on top of getting a DUI, he has gotten two absurd fines for something like riding his bike without a light and a horn. They wonder why we have the second highest crime rate in MD- maybe its because in Salisbury it takes 3 cops to take in a 22 yr old kid who was riding his bike home. Or maybe its because for the last 10 years they've been targeting college kids who can pay ridiculous fines instead of drug dealers who kill people. At least that's my guess. Whats yours?

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha. This story is hilarious and true. I know that guy. You know what, last year our house got broken into three times. The police said it was probably the same person. Thank God, my landlord helped us out. He let us keep his dog at the house so we'd be safer and he checked on us all the time and added extra security lights and locks.

Anonymous said...

I just saw a thing about this on fb. I would really like to vote now but im not registered in salisbury. have you thought about doing interviews or storys about off campus students. sort of like a flyer but for off campus housing and general student issues? looks cool, i look forward to reading

Anonymous said...

I transfered from college park last year and from what I can tell, all colleges are like this to some degree, but salisbury has to be the worst. It isn't the school so much as the town. we are your business! and you treat us like we don't know what the hell is going on

Holierthanthou said...

anonymous 7:49,
We have considered doing that. Thanks for the suggestion. We are a new website so we haven't gotten to that point yet. You can register to vote at the Wicomico County Board of Elections. It is located on Bateman Street across from the parking garage. You have until March 15th and elections are on April 5th.

Anonymous 7:52,

You are right! Make a difference and vote!

RuffledFeathers said...

First to Anonymous 7:52, Know that you are visiting this town and we really don't owe you a damn thing for being here. That said, since most the complaints against the students seem to be about the noise and drinking; Students you may want to give one or two of your neighbors a contact number so that if you are getting really loud they can contact you instead of the police. The students that live across and couple of houses down from me let me know when they are going to have a party and just ask me to call if they get to loud. I have done that 2 or 3 times. It works great for all of us. Remeber that while you are complaining that the people of this town do not respect you and are infringing upon your right to party and hang out all night, that some of your neighbors have to get up and go to work in the morning. So you are infringing on them also.

A.Adams said...

We totally get it RuffledFeathers! We encourage you to say hi to all of your neighbors so that they continue not to be a problem for you, and for that matter, say hi to all students you see in general. The more positive vibes we get from the community the more likely we are to be receptive to their constructive criticism. Have a great night and thanks for posting!