You may or may not be aware of the whirlwind surrounding rental properties in Salisbury. It has been a topic of much dicussion, debate, and distortion. Each and every one of you are entitled to your own opinion. Please think for yourselves as you review these City Council candidates. The cadidates for City Council are as follows. Links have been integrated so that you may simply click an individual's name and be redirected to their site. Please take a few minutes to inform yourselves about what the potential cadidates stand for and how they are going to benefit you personally. It's time that we stand together as a student body and have our voice be heard. You live here; you vote here.
These are the people that will be making the decisions for you for the next 4 years. Some tips for considering these cadidates:
- Watch out for any campaign messages that have words like "slum" and "blight" in them. We tell you this because while in most places, "slum and blight" are reserved for actual ghettos, in Salisbury they are code for "non-conforming uses" (aka off-campus housing).
- Evaluate whether they seem interested in working with the community.
- Do they have a good track record.
- What qualifies them for the position at hand.
- Would they stand by their beliefs or would they conform to the status quo amongst their colleagues.
- Would their election benefit you?
- Don't vote for a candidate just because they seem charismatic or because that's who everyone else is voting for.
- Consider whether the candidate has done for the campus community and the student body. Just because they have held forums on campus does not make them student friendly. See who is concerned with student's interests.
- Don't pick a candidate because they have a fancy website or a political background.
The best thing you can do when picking a cadidate is to understand exactly what each indivdual stands for. If you need more information about any of these candidates or you can't quite understand where each one stands, contact them directly or email me.
Best of Luck to you! The student population at SU (and by virtue of that fact, part of the population of Salisbury) can achieve great things in putting Salisbury back on the right road, if they take this opportunity. Start by becoming involved in the local political scene, then help the good citizens of Salisbury and the rest of the Eastern Shore, rid itself of that cancerous lesion, Joe Albero, who has done NOTHING POSITIVE for anybody other than himself, at the expense of others. So I salute you and hope you become a force to be reckoned with, in both regards.
Thanks! We look forward to hearing more from you! Don't forget to spread the word.
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