Ok Gulls it's finally here! This is the place where you can share your stories about being screwed by the cops, having bad encounters with your neighbors, and tell us about anybody else thats dicked you over. We know you've got something to say and we want to hear it. Let her rip!
Since nobody has said anything yet, I'll begin with a story about one of my good friends who got completely shafted by the Salisbury Police a year or so ago. He is riding his bike home one night around 2 am from a party, minding his own business, when he sees flashing lights coming up behind him. Thinking they are going to pass him, he keeps on riding. But about 30 seconds later he hears sirens so he hops off his bike to see what the problem is. Apparently he is the problem. Within minutes he is taking a sobriety test, which he promptly fails, and is being handcuffed and put in the back of one of the cruisers. Why was there more than one police car there? Because they called for back up. That's right. Anyway, the other 2 officers help the first one load my poor friend and his bike into the car. Then he is driven to the police station where he is informed that on top of getting a DUI, he has gotten two absurd fines for something like riding his bike without a light and a horn. They wonder why we have the second highest crime rate in MD- maybe its because in Salisbury it takes 3 cops to take in a 22 yr old kid who was riding his bike home. Or maybe its because for the last 10 years they've been targeting college kids who can pay ridiculous fines instead of drug dealers who kill people. At least that's my guess. Whats yours?
This past week i got pulled over by a state trooper because my headlight was out. I had a little bit to drink and we went through the entire sobriety test. I passed everything, then submitted to a breathalizer. I blew a .1, which is over the limit. The deputy told me to get in my car and call somebody I knew to come pick me up. Probably the luckiest day of my life. Probably the nicest cop I have ever met.
It sure would be cool if campus police would break up off campus parties. They don't seem to be out to make money off of noise citations.
I definitely agree with BlackSheba. The way that we get targeted is absurd. Especially when you rid ethrough parts of town that have a drug dealer on every corner. A few years ago i had a St. Patty's Day party in the basement at my house. My neighbor, who hated having college students next door, promptly called SPD to complain about noise despite the fact that no music was on and everyone was downstairs. Three patrol cars arrived at my house and i was handed a stack of citations. I was then told that i could either tell everyone to go home and throw away the citations or they would go inside, arrest everyone under the age of 21, and give me all the citations. I wonder why it took 3 partol cars to pass along this message. The other 2 cars could have been out trying to prevent the almost weekly shootings that occur just blocks from campus.
My son is a student at SU. He got a $500 noise violation, disciplinary action from SU and a party fine from his landlord because he had some people over on a Saturday night. Now I don't condone irresponsible behavior on the part of any student. However, the letter from the police department quoted "approximately 100 people" at his residence. My son said around 25 people were at his house. That's a big discrepancy in reports. I expect the police to do their job fairly and accurately. And, yoohoo Salisbury, the punishment should fit the crime.
Must have been a busy weekend...some of my friends had a party this weekend and also got the fine...worst of all the were taken to JAIL and didn't get released till Sunday morning!!! I will admit the party got bigger than they wanted and started to kick people out...they just went out front and thats when the police were called...put them in handcuffs and took them downtown...Arrested for a noise violation...shouldn't the police just give them the fine and actually go find some real criminals!!! That's Salisbury
Anon 4:04,
You totally get it. And students won't call the cops because they're afraid of getting a fine or ARRESTED. Its a vicious cycle and the only way we can make it stop is if we vote! Keep visiting us!
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