GULLSHIT ALERT!!! What is going on? Why- I ask you- why, are only 2 of the 6 City Council Candidates spotlighted in our school newspaper? Flyer, we can't be nice to you until you give us more balanced material to work with. On p. 5 under Letters to the Editor, the astute Gull will notice that Terry Cohen and Tim Spies had the foresight to grace us with their own self aggrandizement without mentioning a single student issue...or student (unless you count Tim Spies' kid, which seems to be the only thing he has to offer us in the way of relevance). Terry Cohen doesn't really offer anything except cracking down on crime(which isn't a student issue, that's a Delmarva issue, and shouldn't really be optional) but does give a nice long laundry list of what she did last year, although strangely, she leaves out her biggest accomplishment. Students, do you know what Ms. Cohen spent most of last year doing? Writing (with the help of the Mayor, Ms. Campbell, and their team of lawyers) the amortization, three strikes, and crime free lease addendum that would get us kicked out of our houses for smoking a joint, having a party, or having trash thrown in our yard (for more details, see articles below). Thanks Ms. Cohen- it's nice to know you were thinking of us.
But lets get back to the main issue- where are the other 4 candidates? If The Flyer wants to be balanced it needs to invite all candidates to write in, and then if they choose not to, it needs to say "Candidate So and So chose not to participate in this publication of The Flyer." That way, they'll write in next time. As it is, you will just have to go to the websites of Muir Boda, Orville Dryden, Laura Mitchell, and Bruce Ford to get an accurate picture of who is running.
does anyone know if the candidates are going to debate or anything before the election? it would be nice if they would at least come out and show themselves. thanks
I am not aware of anything taking place on campus or at all for that matter however i will look into this so that i can provide you with accurate information and i will get back to you tonight. We're glad to see you here!
We can't publish letters from candidates that have not been sent to us.
The Flyer should have made an attempt to contact all candidates and given them all the opportunity to respond. If they decline then a side note stating that "cadidates 1, 2, and 3 failed to provide letters or declined" would've been appropriate. Do we hate The Flyer? Absolutely not. Were we disappointed in the most recent issue? Yes.
Anon 7:22,
After checking all candidates' websites, I have not seen any mentions of an upcoming debate. Though there may be a debate in the works, I have not seen anything on any website. If we find out otherwise we will be the first to let you know. To better inform yourself, we have listed all the candidates (websites included) on this post:
There was a candidates' forum at SU last night (sponsored by PACE and the Chamber of Commerce) and there were barely 10 students there and maybe 15 people in all because they didn't advertise it much, if at all. There is another forum at 7pm on March 24 at Bethany Lutheran Church at the corner of South & Camden. I think it is open to the public.
Thank You! We have been searching extensively for this information with no success. Your information is valuable and we appreciate your post.
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