As the proud father of a Salisbury University graduate, I know what an asset the University is to the City of Salisbury. Students play a large role in our local economy through their patronage of local businesses and in providing their valuable services as a part of the local workforce. Some graduates even choose Salisbury as the place to start their career and establish their family and home. Salisbury University students are active in our community through their service to various organizations. In addition, they also bring cultural diversity to our area.
Students should have access to a variety of quality housing and should not be confined to a particular corner in Salisbury that the local government has decided is satisfactory for them. I am always amazed to hear the same people that enjoy all the benefits of living in a College town complain about all the inconveniences that they perceive are caused by students living in their neighborhood. Certainly some issues will arise and should be dealt with accordingly. I don’t mean to say that we should accept bad behavior but we as a local government have to do a better job of keeping our priorities in order. We need to focus the majority of our efforts on serious crime. We must spend the majority of our resources to keep our residents safe. I don’t mean to say that it is acceptable to continuously be a disturbance in any neighborhood. However, I think too much time is being spent on the relatively minor issues that divide our community and not enough time is being spent on solutions to the serious issues we face as a community. If we can begin to work together and invite all the residents of Salisbury to be a part of the solution we will find that we have much more in common than we realize and that these relatively minor issues can be solved.
I think students are a huge resource and have a lot to offer our community I would like to explore more ways that we the City of Salisbury can partner with Salisbury University. I look forward to working with the students for a brighter future for Salisbury.
Thank you for the opportunity to express my feelings. I would appreciate your vote on April 5, 2011.
Orville G. Dryden
Candidate for Salisbury City Council
1 comment:
Keep the news coming. Salisbury news is trash.
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