Saturday, October 29, 2011

Press Release From Laura Mitchell

October 29, 2011

Mitchell Assembles Supporters of Charter Amendment Petition

**Rainout Rescheduled**

On Saturday, November 5, 2011, supporters of the petition drive to force the recent amendment to the City Charter to a referendum vote will assemble at 10:00 am at the Bandstand in the Salisbury City Park, The petition was initiated by Salisbury City Councilwoman Laura Mitchell in response to what she has called hastily passed legislation. “All legislation deserves due diligence and consideration. The threshold for the passage of something as serious as a Charter Amendment that begins to change the structure of our City Government deserves that and more.”

At the gathering, participants will receive a briefing, petitions, and zone designations within the City. Volunteers will then visit residents in their designated zone to share information about the amendment and provide an opportunity to sign the petition to bring the charter amendment to a referendum vote where the citizens of Salisbury can make their voice heard on the issue.

“The citizens of Salisbury deserve to have a voice in this matter. A voice they did not have an opportunity to use in the seven (7) days it took to pass this amendment. A referendum will give Salisbury residents their voice back,” Mitchell said.

There is no requirement for an individual circulator of the petition to be a voter or resident in the City of Salisbury. Anyone interested in helping is invited to attend. Anyone interested in circulating the petition on their own should call (410)422-2694 or visit to find out how.

1 comment:

iHateJohnRobinsonDotcom said...

blac sheba call John Robinson he needs to talk to you